Emergency Preparedness Open House
Join us for an Emergency Preparedness Open House. On Saturday, April 14th from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm, there will be booths and displays from various local agencies present to pass out information and answer your preparedness questions. At 10:30 am there will be a presentation by Fire Chief Harry Ward and Fire Marshal Gary White on facts, myths, and risks of wildfire. After the presentation these are some of the things you will be able to do at the openhouse:
- Meet your Firefighters
- Meet members of the Jefferson County Sheriff's Office Search & Rescue group (Camp Sherman Hasty Team)
- Meet the local Emergency Managers from Jefferson and Deschutes counties
- Find out how you can become a first responder in your neighborhood
- See Technical Rope Rescue Equipment carried by the Fire District
Light refreshements will be available courtesy of the Fire District. Every attendee will also receive a raffle ticket for a chance to win an Emergency Disaster Kit!
Emergency Management Openhouse Flyer