About Us

In 1977 the property owners of Crooked River Ranch formed the Crooked River Ranch Rural Fire Protection District (CRRRFPD). Prior to this there was no fire protection or emergency medical services available on the Ranch.
Originally the district was staffed entirely by volunteers. Today we are a modern, full service combination department providing fire, rescue, and emergency medical services for our community. We have both career and volunteer staff. Our career staff includes the Fire Chief, three shift Captain/Paramedics, three shift Firefighter/Paramedics, and an Administrative Assistant.
Our volunteer staff includes a Deputy Fire Marshal, Lieutenants, and firefighters. Many of our volunteer firefighters are also either paramedics or emergency medical technicians. We also have a Student Volunteer program where these volunteers work shifts at our station and respond to emergency calls. They also attend fire science and emergency medical classes at Central Oregon Community College.